Monday, January 28, 2013

We are blessed

I took a 2 week trip away from the pugs (!), to go hang out with their cousins (!!) -- actually, to meet the pugs' new cousin! his name is giblet. actually, it's not, but that's what we call him for short.

giblet is yawning here, not screaming, altho he definitely does that, too

The pug cousins, Bunni and Rikki, handled the arrival of their new brother in typical pug-ly way -- TOTAL FASCINATION.

Bunni and Rikki are just sleep-deprived

Both pugs are so good with the baby. 

Rikki here is serving as a good headrest.


  1. Not sure how rikki feels about serving as a piece of furniture.

  2. OMP ... there is nothing cuter than a new born baby with his pug siblings ...

    Love Ellen & the Fab Five
    Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney
